Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Image result for haunted houses near meTHE DARK HOUSE    
Once upon a time their  war two children and their names war Violet and Klaus! The next morning they climbed out of bed getting ready for the new house. A few hours later! They got their and it was miserable it was THE DARK HOUSE  they did not know that their parents would sent them their. Suddenly they went into THE DARK HOUSE and heard noises coming from upstairs they tasted monsters in their mouth they war so scared they wanted too run out of the door but it locked so they could not get out so they went upstairs and looked around when they suddenly found this room they went inside and felt spiders climbing up their back suddenly they heard GRRRR they war so scared they ran out of the room down the stairs out of the door and LIVED HUNTEDLY EVER AFTER.

Last term room 15 have been learning Moment in time. Do you know what moment in time is? If you do then you should really do a story it is really fun. For those who do not know what a moment time is it is writing about one part of your story so here is an example of what is a moment in time that I made. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. Would you post your moment time on your blog or would you keep it to your self?

Thursday, 5 July 2018

This week Miss MacKinnon told us to make another WeVideo so I made this one about bumping. At the start of the week Miss MacKinnon had these pieces of paper that the hole class had to chose from and Jordyn I chose You accidently bumped into someone. Then we had to take a video but it had to be in pieces and then upload it to your drive and if you want to know how to upload to your drive go on Website. Then we had to upload it to WeVideo and start doing traming,sound,music and last titles.We didn't have to do a Cause and Effect we could just make our own.

We have been learning about bucket filling and bucket dipping. What is bucket dipping and bucket dipping... Bucket dipping is when someone is being mean with you. Bucket filling... Bucket filling is when someone is being really nice to you and wants to be your friend.